Monday, September 8, 2014


Reference - Retrieved on September 8, 2014

2014 marks the 100 year anniversary for the commercial aviation industry.

From the first commercial was took place between two cities 21 miles apart (St. Petersburg, Florida and Tampa, Florida) with a flying time of 23 minutes. The plane was a Benoist XIV (see pic below), a two seater air boat with a small flight deck with accommodation for the captain and one paying passenger. This first flight was piloted by Tony Jannus. [1]

Over 100 years, the industry has transformed the way people travel between destinations, build relationships and conduct business. In a future [INSIGHT], we will explore the major milestones for the industry in the last 100 years.

[1] Google search "First commercial 737 flight"  Retrieved on September 8, 2014

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